Kontakt Groups Hjælp

Endelig pris:

Kun $74.84 pr. dag

Leje Suzuki Burgman 125 2017 i Ibiza or similar Scooter

Fra: 09-03-2025 Op: 09-03-2025
Leje Suzuki Burgman 125 2017 i Ibiza
125 c.c.
1100 kw
735 mm
161 kg

Pay $14.97 now and the rest in destination

$38.80 / dag
Supplemental Liability Insurance - $1M
$16.63 / dag
Supplemental Liability Insurance - $300K
$5.54 / dag
Kontor for ikke-afhentet bagage
$5.54 / dag
Entrega en Hotel
En un radio de: 10 KM
Airport delivery
Limited to the city of the reservation.
Top case
$5.54 / dag
Reduction insurance VIP
Førerens hjelm
$0.00 / dag

Passagerens hjelm
$0.00 / dag

$3.33 / dag

Kun $74.84 pr. dag
Pay $14.97 now and the rest in destination


  • Rådighed: Under anmodning
  • Ubegrænset kilometertal
  • Begrænset kilometertal: 1500 km / dag.
    pris pr. ekstra km: $0.38
  • Førerens hjelm
  • Passagerens hjelm
  • Sunday pick up
  • Saturday pick up
  • Sunday drop off
  • Saturday drop off
  • Third-party Insurance
  • Information

    Indskud: $325.10 For at betale på destination
  • Min. alder: 21 år
  • License: B (3 years), A1, A2 or A
  • International license could be required.


Carnet A, A1, A2 o 3 años de experienca con carnet de coche B
Driver license A, A1, A2 or 3 years experience with car driver license B