Warning: mime_content_type(/var/www/html/renttest/ftp/back2/backup/public/images/placeholderlanding.png): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/renttest/ftp/back2/backup/application/models/Image/Resizer.php on line 20
Notice: Undefined variable: image in /var/www/html/renttest/ftp/back2/backup/application/models/Image/Resizer.php on line 36
Warning: imagewebp() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /var/www/html/renttest/ftp/back2/backup/application/models/Image/Resizer.php on line 36
Warning: mime_content_type(/var/www/html/renttest/ftp/back2/backup/public/images/placeholderlanding.png): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/renttest/ftp/back2/backup/application/models/Image/Resizer.php on line 20
Notice: Undefined variable: image in /var/www/html/renttest/ftp/back2/backup/application/models/Image/Resizer.php on line 36
Warning: imagewebp() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /var/www/html/renttest/ftp/back2/backup/application/models/Image/Resizer.php on line 36
We have the best motorcycle tours in איטליה! Price from: $37.54
Nos atendieron estupendamente. Nos explicaron todo a la perfección. Y a pesar de no hablar español, se esforzaron mucho porque entendiéramos todo. Incluso nos explicaron algunas normas de tráfico existentes en Italia que no conocíamos.
6 / 10
Tuvimos un pequeño problema con la disponibilidad de la moto, lo que ocasiono que pierda medio dia de mis vacaciones, pero lo pudieron solucionar eficientemente entregando otra moto.
very friendly and helpfull people. All made profesionaly.