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This vehicle has a franchise for possible damages and/or theft of $1,562.75, by charge or authorization with your own credit card.
At your arrival to our rental shop base, we will require your credit card to formalize the franchise deposit. Once the rental is over, we will proceed with the refund according to the hiring contract conditions.
VISA, Mastercard, cash, debit card
This motorcycle has a limited mileage of 100 kms per day, the cost per additional mileage will be $0.23.
The minimum age to drive this vehicle it’s 28 years old , with 3 years of experience.
Allows you to travel around the countries the EU.
Please, review the borders that you are not allowed to cross.
New Model 2021 -with 100 km included per day, exceeded 100 per day every km has the cost of € 0.22 The unlimited mileage rate has an alternative - It is possible to rent the following accessories (at our shop): Helmet 5.00 € per day Jacket € 10.00 per day Phone Holder € 3.00 per day Services : It is possible to take and leave the bike outside working hours at a cost of € 50.00. It is possible to transfer to and from Bari Airport, Bari railway station, Bari center or Hotel with our private car at a cost of € 25.00 each way. Nuovo Modello 2021, 100 km inclusi al giorno, superata questa soglia il costo per ogni km è di 0.22€ - La tariffa a chilometraggio illimitato ha un supplemento - E' possibile noleggiare i seguenti accessori (presso il nostro negozio) : Casco 5.00€ al giorno Giubbino 10.00€ al giorno Phone Holder 3.00€ al giorno Servizi : E' possibile prendere e lasciare la moto fuori dagli orari lavorativi al costo di 50.00 €. E' possibile il transfer da e per Aeroporto di Bari, stazione ferroviaria di Bari, Bari centro o Hotel con una nostra macchina privata al costo di 25.00 € a tratta