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Uiteindelijke prijs:

Alleen $182.26 per dag

Huren BMW R 1200 GS in Bari or similar Trail

Van: 31-01-2025 Omhoog: 31-01-2025
Huren BMW R 1200 GS in Bari
1200 c.c.
12500 kw
850 mm
200 kg

Pay $60.14 now and the rest in destination

$0.00 / dag
Additional driver
$10.69 / dag
$1.07 / dag
Transfer naar het kantoor
En un radio de: 20 KM
Aflevering aan de luchthaven
Limited to the city of the reservation.
Top case
$0.00 / dag
Alleen $182.26 per dag
Pay $60.14 now and the rest in destination


  • Beschikbaarheid: Op aanvraag
  • Onbeperkt aantal kilometers
  • Beperkt aantal kilometers: 1000 km / dag.
    kosten per extra km: $0.26
  • Diefstalverzekering
  • Saturday pick up
  • Saturday drop off
  • Top case
  • Side case
  • Third-party Insurance
  • Informatie

    Borgsom: $3,113.82 Te betalen op de bestemming
  • Minimumleeftijd: 28 jaren
  • License: A
  • International license could be required.
  • Exp. mínima: 3 jaren


New Model 2021 -with 100 km included per day, exceeded 100 per day every km has the cost of € 0.25 The unlimited mileage rate has an alternative - It is possible to rent the following accessories (at our shop): Helmet 5.00 € per day Jacket € 10.00 per day Phone Holder € 3.00 per day Tris Suitcases: € 7.00 per day Services : It is possible to take and leave the bike outside working hours at a cost of € 50.00. It is possible to transfer to and from Bari Airport, Bari railway station, Bari center or Hotel with our private car at a cost of € 25.00 each way. Nuovo Modello 2021, 100 km inclusi al giorno, superata questa soglia il costo per ogni km è di 0.25€ - La tariffa a chilometraggio illimitato ha un supplemento - E' possibile noleggiare i seguenti accessori (presso il nostro negozio) : Casco 5.00€ al giorno Giubbino 10.00€ al giorno Phone Holder 3.00€ al giorno Tris Valigie : 7.00 € al giorno Servizi : E' possibile prendere e lasciare la moto fuori dagli orari lavorativi al costo di 50.00 €. E' possibile il transfer da e per Aeroporto di Bari, stazione ferroviaria di Bari, Bari centro o Hotel con una nostra macchina privata al costo di 25.00 € a tratta