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Només $67.68 per dia

Lloguer Piaggio Vespa LX 125 dins Firenze or similar Scooter

Desde: 14-03-2025 Fins: 14-03-2025
Lloguer Piaggio Vespa LX 125 dins Firenze
125 c.c.
1100 kw
785 mm
110 kg

Pagui $12.18 ara, la resta a destinació

Conductor addicional
$0.00 / dia
$2.26 / dia
Entrega hotel o aeroport
En un radio de: 7 KM
Casc del conductor
$0.00 / dia

Casc del passatger
$0.00 / dia

$3.38 / dia

Només $67.68 per dia
Pagui $12.18 ara, la resta a destinació


  • Disponibilitat: Sota petició
  • Quilometratge il·limitat
  • Casc del conductor
  • Casc del passatger
  • Conductor addicional
  • Assegurança a tercers
  • Informació

    Dipòsit: $870.61 A pagar a destí
  • Edat mínima: 21 Anys
  • Carnet: B (3 anys), A1, A2 o A
  • Llicència internacional pot ser sol·licitada.
  • Exp. mínima: 1 Anys


Carries two people, no motocycle license required. Please note in spite of its "cool" look, the Vespa is not an easy vehicle to ride for a beginner and it is also extremely expensive to repair. -- No refund is due in case you book it but realize on the spot that you are not able to drive one: it will be considered a no show and charged accordingly.

Carries two people, no motocycle license required. Please note in spite of its "cool" look, the Vespa is not an easy vehicle to ride for a beginner and it is also extremely expensive to repair. -- No refund is due in case you book it but realize on the spot that you are not able to drive one: it will be considered a no show and charged accordingly.