Si no pots trobar la informació que necessita, pot posar-se en contacte amb nosaltres:
Aquest vehicle té una franquícia per possibles danys i/o robatori de $141.27, mitjançant càrrec o autorització en la seva targeta de crèdit.
At your arrival to our rental shop base, we will require your credit card to formalize the franchise deposit. Once the rental is over, we will proceed with the refund according to the hiring contract conditions.
Aquesta moto es lloga amb quilometratge limitat a 200 km per dia, el cost per km addicional és de $5.23.
L’edat mínima per a conduir aquest vehicle és de 18 anys
Please, review the borders that you are not allowed to cross.
Experience the thrill of emission-free rides, without gear shifting or noise! With a top speed of 70kmh, hydraulic disk brakes and zero fuel costs - it is the most fun and eco-friendly way to experience Arusha! Our Bikes are designed with two things in mind: Sustainability and Quality. The latest EV technology available ensures the low carbon footprint we aim for. The high quality guarantees an enduring long life before re-cycling and re-purposing. Designed with the focus to do the hard daily work of the boda-boda (motorcycle taxi) riders. Of course - this means they are suited for any other form of commuting and exploring as well. Meet the team at our shop and go for a test-ride.
valid drivers license (any)