Si no pots trobar la informació que necessita, pot posar-se en contacte amb nosaltres:
Aquest vehicle té una franquícia per possibles danys i/o robatori de $393.39, mitjançant càrrec o autorització en la seva targeta de crèdit.
At your arrival to our rental shop base, we will require your credit card to formalize the franchise deposit. Once the rental is over, we will proceed with the refund according to the hiring contract conditions.
VISA, efectiu
Aquesta moto es lloga amb quilometratge il·limitat.
L’edat mínima per a conduir aquest vehicle és de 18 anys , amb 1 anys d'experiència.
Please, review the borders that you are not allowed to cross.
1) Pillion seat can be used as carrying a travel bag on this bike 2) Pillion Rider charges @ 15% Extra on full rental amount; 3) Off Road riding charges @ 10% Extra on full rental amount. 4) A guide/mechanic is compulsory to rent with a bulk booking of bikes over 3 Nos and also affects by season and tour destination; 5) Color of motorcycle may vary 6) Extra day rental charge applies if motorbike is not returned by 9.00 am in the morning or earlier 7) All payment at Bikemandu is to be made by cash only. 8) Riding in Nepal is at own risk. We suggest you to include liability cover insurance in your travel insurance.