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Motorcycle Enduro off Road Tour Baja California short Enduro off Road tour

preu des de:



4 dies



dificultat: Normal-Hard
Vehicle de suport Si
Mínim de participants: 4

* In case the minimum number of participants is not reached, the tour can be cancelled or extra charges applied

itinerari Motorcycle Enduro off Road Tour Baja California short Enduro off Road tour

BAJA is short for Peninsula de Baja California, which means the peninsula of California in México.  BAJA is the mecca for off road races in México, and worldly known for the Score Series: Baja 250, 400, 400 and 1000.  The reason is because it’s the perfect geographical location due to its diverse terrain and unique scenery.  We offers you an experience unlike any other by taking you touring BAJA Noth peninsula.  We assure you that you will remember this trip for the rest of your life. 

Our certified staff is professional and our infrastructure and logistics are the most important factors that will give you the opportunity to never have to worry and allow you to enjoy your trip fully More than 700 tour miles are awaiting for you.  We welcome you to look at the details provided for this trip.

Give yourself the opportunity to live, feel and enjoy BAJA.

itinerari Swipe


dia 1 Ensenada - Ensenada - 0

dia 1 Motorcycle Enduro off Road Tour Baja California short Enduro off Road tour

You can fly to San Diego and from there cross into Mexico to Tijuana or if you prefer you can fly directly to Tijuana. From the airport we go to the hotel where we will meet the guide and his team.
The first day is the introduction day, you can set up with us the pick up from your hotel or you can meet us at our location at Ensenada. We will start with the preparation, bike gear, safety talk, tour details and of course we will provide a nice icebreaker dinner for all of you. Next day we will start in the early morning.

dia 2 Mike's Sky Rancho - 350

dia 2 Motorcycle Enduro off Road Tour Baja California short Enduro off Road tour

We begin the day departing from the hotel on our Chase trucks towards the town of Ojos Negros, passing through El Tule and finally arriving at Piedras Gordas. Here, we will unload the bikes and gear-up to begin our tour. You will be guided through several sections of the National Park “Constitución de 1857”, very famous by preserving nature, majestic pine views and the highly visited Laguna Hanson. After this area the ride will continue through Valle de la Trinidad where you will find some whoops . If light still in the horizon you will have the option to continue through El Borrego towards Mike’s Sky Ranch. This Hotel is in the middle of nowhere, iconic in Baja because of the the history and great off-road experiences.

dia 3 Mike's Sky Rancho - Ejido Eréndira - 400

dia 3 Motorcycle Enduro off Road Tour Baja California short Enduro off Road tour

After a great stay we will begin the day with a good breakfast and ride towards the Pacific Ocean, this day we will ride along the coast crossing Colonet and finishing in Erendira.

dia 4 Ejido Eréndira - Ensenada - 0

dia 4 Motorcycle Enduro off Road Tour Baja California short Enduro off Road tour

Today, depending on what time our flight leaves, we go to the airport, just like the first day, you can fly from Tijuana or San Diego, but the transfer is the responsibility of the client.

Que aquesta inclòs



Preu del suplement: $0.00

Support Vehicle
Mapes & Road Book
Moto de lloguer
Devolució moto en origen
Begudes SENSE Alcohol Aigua - Cafè
On route snacks
Gasolina & oli
Moto de recanvi
Begudes AMB Alcohol
Assegurança bàsica
dipòsit fiança
Equip protecció Enduro
Equip fred extrem
Impostos locals
Entrades Parcs Nacionals
Foto - Vídeo record
Despeses de cancel·lació

Important notice, in case of cancellation:
The flight tickets, supplements and optional services subscribed in this tour regardless of the basic program, are subject to 100% of early cancellation costs.

preu des de:



4 dies



2 2 1
2 persones, 2 motos en habitació doble
1 1 1
A 1 persona, 1 moto en habitació individual
* prices per person

Te dubtes? Truquins

+34 910 052 345

Motos disponibles:

  • KTM EXC 450